Considering Applications Throughout the Year For All Positions
Students and new investigators who seek careers in research to address cancer disparities are invited to apply to our training program. We especially encourage women, minorities, and candidates from other communities underrepresented in science to apply. We consider applications throughout the year.
Application Process Heading link

Under the terms of the National Cancer Institute grant that supports our program, all applicants must be U.S. citizens, non-citizen nationals, or permanent residents (i.e., green card holders). Applicants who do not meet this requirement cannot be considered.
For predoctoral positions, only current University of Illinois at Chicago graduate students who have passed their comprehensive exams may apply to this program.
For postdoctoral positions, candidates may apply to our program before defending their doctoral dissertations, but they must graduate before starting the program.
Candidates with medical degrees should contact our office for information about available positions.
Applicants should submit their application in a single PDF that includes the following:
- Letter of application that discusses the applicant’s interest in cancer disparities research, goals for the training program, and an implementation plan for those goals. Applicants should indicate that they meet the citizenship criteria listed above, and provide the names and contact information of references.
- Curriculum vitae
- Three writing samples, such as published articles, manuscripts for peer-reviewed publication or papers for graduate coursework.
- Three letters of reference addressing the applicant’s academic performance, strengths and potential. At least one letter should be from a departmental mentor. Applicants should instruct their references to email their letters in a PDF directly to the program.
Send the application (as a single PDF) to
All applications will be reviewed by the program directors and the program advisory committee. Approved applications will be matched with mentors with similar interests.
For information about applications, contact the program coordinator, Kenzie Ferguson, at or 312-355-3894.